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Kamburawala Kankanang Don, assistente all’infanzia professionale a Birmingham

Patente di guida
Formazione ufficiale
Non fumatore
Aiuto con i compiti
Strumento musicale
Certificato di animatore

Hi, I'm Kamburawala Kiara, I'm 19 years old and I live in Villorba, in the province of Treviso, Italy. I was born in Treviso but I'am origin of Sri Lankan.
I'm searching a job where I can watch children have 4 years old and up.
When I was children I liked play verry much so every sunday I went to the park with my dad to play with the ball.
I like doing paper work, I like go out with the children(park, swimming pool, cinema, museum etc.), l like drawing with the children.
I'm nice, friendly sociable and energetic person.

Servizi proposti
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Assistente all’infanzia
Brevetto d’animatore
OSA, OSS, attestato ufficiale o equivalente
Esperienze in famiglia: babysitting di fratelli e sorelle, cugini.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di
da 3 a 6 anni
Servizi aggiuntivi
Aiuto con i compiti
Cucina per i bambini
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro

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Custodia parziale / extrascolastica
7,60 €
Assistente all'infanzia
5,75 €
I'm a student and next year I will go to university of dentistry in Spain, I would like to become a dentist because I like to see the beautiful smiles of people. My family is composed of 4 people. My father's name is Harshana, he is 48 years old. My mother Malkanthi, is 43 years old. I have one sister her name is Hansani and she is 12 years old. I like listening to music, I like dancing, I like go out with my friends and I like read books. I love travelling infact I like learning new cultures. I like watching children, because I feel good with them, I like to have fun with them, I like to see their smile I like to see them happy and a lot of things.I can do everything you want for help children. i'm nice, friendly sociable and energetic person.

Nessuna referenza per ora, forse la prima sarà la tua?

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Kamburawala Kankanang Don
Assistente all’infanzia
Connesso circa 5 anni fa - Disponibilità ora
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Kamburawala Kankanang Don

Non aggiornate da 3 mesi
Disponibile durante le vacanze scolastiche


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0 raccomandazioni verificate


Custodia parziale / extrascolastica
7,60 €
Assistente all'infanzia
5,75 €
I'm a student and next year I will go to university of dentistry in Spain, I would like to become a dentist because I like to see the beautiful smiles of people. My family is composed of 4 people. My father's name is Harshana, he is 48 years old. My mother Malkanthi, is 43 years old. I have one sister her name is Hansani and she is 12 years old. I like listening to music, I like dancing, I like go out with my friends and I like read books. I love travelling infact I like learning new cultures. I like watching children, because I feel good with them, I like to have fun with them, I like to see their smile I like to see them happy and a lot of things.I can do everything you want for help children. i'm nice, friendly sociable and energetic person.