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Mag, au pair

With recommendation
Driver’s license
First aid
Official training
Homework help

My name is Mag, I’m 21 years old and I live in Gillingham, Dorset. I have just finished my second year at Norland Nanny College and I am keen to get out into the ‘real world’ and start my Nanning Career.

My biggest passion has always been working with children. I have had many years of childcare experience ranging from newborn to teenagers. I started helping my Mum look after my 3 younger sisters at the age of 12 as she became a single parent. My sisters were then 9 months, 3 and 10 years old. I have continued to help her and have gained many skills (including a great deal of patience!) along the way. And also a lot of fond memories! This then lead me to Nanny after School and at weekends for local families. During my time at Gillingham School I also did various work experience placements at a local Nursery and at a Primary School with Years 1 and 4. I believe I am very caring, capable, down to earth and that I have a big heart.

Receiving a place at Norland college is my biggest achievement so far. I gained many skills including cooking nutritional and balanced healthy meals for children of all ages including those with dietary needs, bottle feeding, weaning and the introduction of finger foods. I have learnt fun and safe ways for bathing, changing nappies, health and safety and first aid.

The course also covered planning activities for children all ages, genders, cultures and for those with specific needs. I am confident with policies and legislations regarding children and their wellbeing. My two years at Norland also gave me life time friends and experiences and I will forever be grateful for that.

I have worked at Waitrose from 5 years on the Customer Service Welcome Desk and also supervising the tills and cashing up. I have also worked at my local Pub / Restaurant, The Coppleridge. I was mainly behind the bar but also waitressed. Waitrose in particular has given me great confidence and communication skills as I came into contact with a diverse range of people and problems.

I am looking for mainly part time care between Monday and Wednesday and Thursday mornings. However full time is an option.

Services offered
Partial / after school care
Nanny working at family residence
Au Pair
First aid qualification
Professionnal qualification (OFSTEO, certificate or diploma in childcare education, etc.)
Over 5yrs professional experience.
Already looked after children
less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-3 years
3-6 years
over 6 years
Additional services
Homework Help
Cook for children
Help with housework / Ironing

Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I charge these rates due to experience and previous rates I have worked in the past. Willing to negotiate however.

Mag can provide references from recent employers

No recommendations yet, soon it will be your turn?

Write a reference
North Dorset
Connected about 1 month ago- Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Before school
After school
Available during school holidays


Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I charge these rates due to experience and previous rates I have worked in the past. Willing to negotiate however.