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Sophie, babysitter in Dry street

With recommendation
Identity verified
Homework help
Musical instrument

My name is Sophie Lake and I am currently a year 12 a student at Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School - studying Psychology, French and English Literature at A-level. I have recently finished my GCSEs, achieving beyond my predicted grades in the majority of subjects. I am a hardworking and independent individual who not only works well alone, but also with others, and I approach all activities/tasks with the enthusiasm to get them done efficiently and to a good standard.

I am not an experienced babysitter, but I have been a Rainbow, Brownie, Girlguide and a member of the Senior Section from the age of 6 - meaning I have always been around younger children! Through this, I have received the Baden Powell award - which is the highest award that can be given to a Girl Guide. I often help with the planning and running of both Guide and Brownie meetings, as well as a number of fundraising and charity events, and know a quite a number of songs and games!

At school, I am currently mentoring a younger student, helping them with homework and being a general figure available for them to be able to discuss any problems they may have with.
I have also recently been assigned subject prefect for Psychology - my favourite subject, of which I am considering pursuing later on. (Interestingly there is an entire module based on Child Psychology, that I am looking forward to studying!)

I have an active interest in music, and despite not having taken any examinations have been learning how to play the guitar and piano for a number of years; I was even recently in a showcase at school with a group of Drama A-level students! I like to read and write in my spare time too, as these are my passions both in and outside of school - so I would be happy to help with this in anyway if needed.

Although I am not an experienced chef or home-cooker, I do occasionally cook meals for my family, (macaroni cheese being a favourite), and can definitely deal with simple things such as sandwiches etc.

Due to school hours, I am looking mostly for weekend/evening work - preferably after 6pm should this be on a weeknight. I am local to the Basildon area, so would also prefer to be within walking distance (30 minutes at most) of wherever it is I am needed.

Services offered
No experience so far, but willing to learn!
Already looked after children
3-6 years
over 6 years
Spoken languages
English (mother tongue)
French (reading, writting, speaking)
Additional services
Homework Help
Cook for children
Help with housework / Ironing

Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Occasional babysitting
per hour

Would be willing to negotiate as this rate of pay is obviously minimum wage for over 18s.

Sophie can provide references from recent employers

No recommendations yet, soon it will be your turn?

Write a reference
Dry Street
Connected over 6 years ago- Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Before school
After school
Available during school holidays


Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Occasional babysitting
per hour

Would be willing to negotiate as this rate of pay is obviously minimum wage for over 18s.