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I'm looking for
Looking for

Regular babysitter, want them to get to know children

Someone to feed the children their last meal of the day.
Tidy up after dinner
Play with the children

Put them to bed. The younger one at 6:15pm and older one 6:45pm.
Older one has iPad from 5pm to calm down and 15 minutes before bed you read her a story whilst she is lying in her bed and once it’s finished you say good night and leave the room.

Little one watches telly from 530pm. Usually Tik Tak and In the night garden. Then he has a bottle and his blanky wrapped around him in your arms. Once he’s finished the bottle, give him his dummy and hold him for a
Couple of minutes before putting him into his cot. If he is crying please just cradle him to sleep .


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

2 number of children (1-3 years / 3-6 years)

Type of nanny sought: nanny working from your home, babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Sunday 12/09/2021 in 10h00
End: the Monday 13/09/2021 in 14h30