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Hi, im looking for a babysitter for saturday, november14th for a few hours in the evening.

If possible we are looking for someone who is available Sat.November 14th for a few hours-4pm -8/9pm and whose services we can use again occasionally if i am working and my partner needs to stay late or if we have a social occasion we need to attend , ideally somebody of 16/17 years who has no children and would not mind getting a call maybe at short notice for example and could come to our house.We have a 2 year old son Oskar who is a joy and we would need someone to play with him , give him his dinner and then if my partner is home he can always put our son to bed so really we need someone to just take care of him for few hours.Thank You-Caroline .


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

1 number of children (1-3 years)

Type of nanny sought: babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Saturday 14/11/2015 in 04h15
End: the Saturday 14/11/2015 in 21h00