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Night childminder

Hello am looking for a night childminder, and this could be regular depending on the shifts I pick . The would either be Thursday nights from 18pm to Friday mornings 10:00am.
My son Khai is 11 months sleeps through the night from 7pm to 8am. When he gets up he has a bath, breakfast and that is the beginning of his day. Am happy to work around your hours to be honest as it is an agency I can choose a night convenient to you.
Khai is a lovely 11 months old, very happy he rarely cries . You will adore him. I know everyone says their child is great but trust me he is no hard work at all.
Am a single parent and I do not feel it. Lol


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

1 number of children (6 months to 1 year)

Type of nanny sought: home childcare provider, nanny working from your home, babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Thursday 21/05/2020 in 18h00
End: the Friday 22/05/2020 in 10h00