Listing created 5 months ago
My son is almost 9, and due to parental separation I need someone to look.after him on the days I have him before and after school.
His requirements for a nanny is someone who will be comfortable with him cycling or running to school, who him to stop at roads and stay safe. He would like someone who respects his boundaries, and who is also a keen player of games, as he has a lot.
My needs are someone to keep my son fed and watered, help him through a difficult time in his life, and who can develop a relationship of mutual trust and care with him. It would be useful if they were also willing to do some washing, sort out the dishwasher, cook or prepare dinner and have some flexibility in the evenings as there is potential that I am home after 18.00, and every 8 weeks I am home after 19.00 as I am on long days.
I would not expect the successful candidate to work during the school holidays.
My son is (as all parents say about their child) fun to be around, does need alone time, and is emotionally literate and developing these skills. Every Thursday he has a tutorial in mutley, which if you drive for would be great, taxi’s can be arranged if not.
It would be lovely to meet you, with my son, and hopefully develop a good relationship.