Ad modified on 25 July 2016 at 18:02
My name is Susana but everybody calls me SUE. I am 40 years old, married with my school sweetheart for 22 years and a caring and proud mum of a 7 years old girl. I am preparing myself to take the child-minder course and make my passion for children and parenting a career. In the meanwhile I am offering my services as a babysitter or nanny live out. I have taken recently the first steps aids course (babies, children and adults) and I am DBS checked. So, whether you need just a casual couple of hours for yourself, or help with school runs, or a more regular help get in touch. Come and meet me with no compromise and let me show you why I can be the ideal help for your child. I can also help with school homework, meals, indoor and outdoor activities, walks, games and I always respect parents views and rules on parenting. I can cover the following areas: Windsor, Ascot, Egham, Eton Wick, Maidenhead and Slough. I am available for morning hours (including early hours), afternoons and nights hour, weekends and half-term periods. I will also be available for this summer holidays but only until the 15 of August.
Occasional babysitting | $8.00 per hour |
Home nanny | $6.00 per hour |
The values are only indicative, and covering the care of 2 children maximum. I will be happy to sit and discuss with mums and dads a more suitable budget for the family needs.
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Occasional babysitting | $8.00 per hour |
Home nanny | $6.00 per hour |
The values are only indicative, and covering the care of 2 children maximum. I will be happy to sit and discuss with mums and dads a more suitable budget for the family needs.