Ad modified on 5 July 2024 at 02:50
In essence, to undertake a parallel role of developing his inter-personal communication skills and shaping his character. Initially, to prepare him to be ready for attending nursery school in near future, both being able to fit in and to enjoy the occasion. Initiatives and ideas of the nanny would be more than welcome.
We are the parents of the baby, Jeremy. We are professionals from Hong Kong now running their law firm in Heathrow. Jeremy is born in Guildford in March 2018. He is our first child. He will be raised in the UK.
We want Jeremy to be able to enjoy his life in the UK in future. In order for him to do so, he needs to be able to blend into the local communities and be able to conduct himself accordingly and in the way that would make him a more than welcome member of the communities.
We hope that Jeremy would start off with being able to blend into life at nursery school and related social activities, and be able to win some hearts too.
Jeremy needs a more comprehensive and thorough knowledge about the culture, values and way of life generally in the UK in order to better enjoy his life in future. He should learn to think and approach people and matters from local perspectives and he should receive such inputs as much as possible.
We believe that Jeremy's Interaction with a nanny would be one of the most effective ways for introducing him to the outside and vice versa. Through indoor and outdoor activities, inputs can be given to him as and when the occasion emerges.
In any event, life of Jeremy would be richer and happier with a nanny around.
We are flexible on the level of time, the time of a day and the days of the week being made available by the nanny. We are also able to offer:
1. free accommodation
2. free parking
3. use of our cars