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Chloe, occasional childcare in West marsh

With recommendation
Identity verified
Homework help

My name is Chloe and I am 16 years old and fresh out of school. I love children and caring for people. I have 3 nieces who I love and care for regularly, anybody who knows me understands my close bond to my family. I do not have younger siblings however I do enjoy looking after children as if they were my siblings. I did a week placement at Judy Clarke childcare last year which I really enjoyed. Not only to get to know the children personally in such a short amount of time but to care for them just as much. It felt as if I had known the children for a long time and would love to do the same with the children in question within this job. I also understand the responsibility of not sharing any personal information outside of the work place and to use confidentiality within practice. I love to cook and bake with my niece but also know to keep a clean household environment for the family. I also understand and respect family rules which will be followed during my time in the house. I have a lot of energy and really enjoy acting, singing, dancing and performing but I also love reading and writing. I enjoy helping people to learn and achieve and will be more than helpful to help children of all ages with homework and study.

Services offered
Partial / after school care
Family Experience: care for siblings, cousins.
Already looked after children
1-3 years
3-6 years
over 6 years
Additional services
Homework Help
Cook for children
Help with housework / Ironing

Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I am friendly and would prefer to be seen as a family friend, someone to speak to and someone to be trusted rather than a paid employee however I have college fees to pay for and responsibilities within my own household therefore I charge those rates. Both can be discussed and re arranged if any issues.

Chloe can provide references from recent employers

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West Marsh
Connected almost 7 years ago - Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Before school
After school
Available during school holidays


Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

I am friendly and would prefer to be seen as a family friend, someone to speak to and someone to be trusted rather than a paid employee however I have college fees to pay for and responsibilities within my own household therefore I charge those rates. Both can be discussed and re arranged if any issues.