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Elizabeth, offer babysitting in Broome for the 11 September 2015


Seeking a nanny for my older children for the weekend

I am looking for a nanny to take care of and entertain my 3 children-two of which are teenagers. I would expect that the nanny would be a positive person who is fun and also expects good behaviour and manners.
Job would include overseeing the tea making and tea time, appropriate evening activities and bed time and then overseeing the entertainment of the 3 children for the day on an outing or at home. The next day to see them safely on the bus to go to their dads house for the day.
extra work may be offered from time to time also.


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

3 number of children (over 6 years)

Type of nanny sought: nanny working from your home, babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Friday 11/09/2015 in 17h05
End: the Sunday 13/09/2015 in 10h05