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My partner and i are looking for a nanny to look after our two young children on occasional evenings/days

We are looking for a nanny to look after our two children on occasional evenings or days. A meeting beforehand is essential as only mine and my partners parents have looked after our children in the past, our youngest has only been away with her nan once for an afternoon so far. We are looking for someone we can really have trust in as we have been through some hard times in the last year and a half now, and unfortunately our parents are no longer in positions to look after them ( for various reasons.) Our son can be a bit of handful at times but also very loving and welcoming to new people. Our daughter is usually good with everyone but occasionally will have a bit of a cry when she meets someone. Please don't hesitate to get in contact as my partner and I would love to have an evening out on valentines day as we haven't had a night to ourselves since our daughter was born last august. Thank you.


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

2 number of children (6 months to 1 year / 1-3 years)

Type of nanny sought: nanny working from your home

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Saturday 14/02/2015 in 02h00
End: the Saturday 14/02/2015 in 22h00