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Looking for

Babysitter that will be used a couple of times a month. mainly evenings

Feed children
Clean up children have eaten
Play with them
Pick the younger one and cuddle him
Put them to bed. Younger one goes bed at 6:00pm give or take 15 minutes and older one goes bed at 6:45.

From 5pm older one can watch her iPad to calm down and relax. At around 6:30, let her go toilet, and into her bed. Then read her a story. Once story is finished say good night and leave them room.
She wants bring a bottle of juice to bed with her.

Little watches telly from 5:15. Usually in the night garden, moon and me or Tik Tak.
At around 5:55 I turn telly off take him upstairs into my bedroom. But his blanky around him (swaddled) and give him a warm bottle of milk (warmed up in the microwave for 25 seconds)
Once he’s finished the milk, I give him his dummy and hold him for a couple of minutes before putting him into his cot.
If he cries please cradle him to sleep and then put him into his cot.


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

2 number of children (1-3 years / 3-6 years)

Type of nanny sought: nanny working from your home, babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Thursday 05/08/2021 in 09h15
End: the Thursday 05/08/2021 in 17h30