Ad modified on 7 October 2022 at 17:05
Passed since almost 2 years
Is looking for nanny/home childcare assistant/babysitter part time
Castle Acre
Connected over 2 years ago
it will be to support my partner as she adjusts to our first child,
you will be lending a hand with
- the child
- housework
- activities
whilst I am at work, this will also sometimes be offering rest bite to allow her to sleep or relax
Type of care sought:
regular part-time care
1 number of children
less than 6 months
Type of nanny sought:
home childcare provider
nanny working from your home
Needs a car
Needs a driving license
the Sunday 01/01/2023 in 10h00
No photo
Passed since almost 2 years
Is looking for nanny/home childcare assistant/babysitter part time
Castle Acre
Connected over 2 years ago