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Bethany, sitter - GL1 Gloucester

With recommendation
Identity verified
Driver’s license
Homework help

I am Bethany (Beth). I am the middle child of five children, I am 20 (very nearly 21) I have a lot of free time due to being a student at the university of Gloucestershire. I am looking for babysitting jobs and part-time care. Although I am not officially qualified I have more experience in looking after children then most people who are. I have three sisters who all have children and older cousins who children I have been babysitting and doing day care activities with for years. I have experience with a very wide range of ages from a few months old to 9 years old. I have also babysat for friends and neighbours and housesat for many people. I am very friendly and caring, I love to cook so cooking meals or preparing meals is not a problem at all. I have been driving for nearly 2 years now and never had even a slight accident, so school runs are also possible for me. I do not have a first-aid qualification but I have been brought up by a nurse so I know all about first aid and what to do for most situations. I have spent many hours playing games with the children I have cared for, on a nice day, games in the garden are always enjoyable and good for children and on wet days, arts and crafts and general games are a good way to keep them occupied. I have always experienced that if children feel like they are helping and you are thankful they feel happy to have helped.
I hope you think I am suitable candidate and I hope to hear from you soon.

Services offered
Partial / after school care
Family Experience: care for siblings, cousins.
Already looked after children
less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-3 years
3-6 years
over 6 years
Spoken languages
English (mother tongue)
Additional services
Homework Help
Cook for children
Help with housework / Ironing

Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation

Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

Although I have no qualifications I am great with children, I am currently finishing up a performing arts degree the going to become qualified to become a teacher. I have also been technically doing this job for most of my life, I have a very big family and most weeks I spend caring for nieces, nephews, cousins or friends children. I am very responsible and trustworthy and I promise I am very friendly and great with kids of all ages.

Bethany can provide references from recent employers

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Connected over 5 years ago- Available now
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No updates for 3 months
Before school
After school
Available during school holidays


Use Pro Management
Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
No verified recommendation


Occasional babysitting
per hour
Partial / after-school care
per hour

Although I have no qualifications I am great with children, I am currently finishing up a performing arts degree the going to become qualified to become a teacher. I have also been technically doing this job for most of my life, I have a very big family and most weeks I spend caring for nieces, nephews, cousins or friends children. I am very responsible and trustworthy and I promise I am very friendly and great with kids of all ages.