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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

I'm a mature female who is a UK citizen. I've recently moved here from NZ, where I was educated and raised, for a working gap year. I adore kids, and have a younger brother who is 9. This age gap meant I was around young kids from an early age, and have had many nannying and babysitting jobs from 13yrs old. I was trained to be a child swim teacher aswell, so I have great patience and communication skills with kids. I also understand the importance of their safety. I love sports and health/f...

My name is Nikki i am a mother of 2 children my son aged 9 and my daughter aged 6. I live in Ferrybridge near Knottingley. I do have a diploma in health and social care and i have done my first aid training also have my level 2 food safety and hygiene certificate. Please note I am not registered wit has ofstead so I can only look after children 8 and over.

Im reliable i have a large fanily now growing up, i love and adore children, love the ups and downs they bring but most of all watching them grow into their own person I am very patient and trustworthy and i have experience of children from newborn to 16 years, i dont mind ages or how many children, cooking and cleaning is also an option as dont mind either and a nice home and cooked meals is important for growing healthy happy children so any questions please ask

Part of a very large family myself. I'm a mother of 5 wonderful children, 3 of which are all grown up. My children range in age from 21 down to 4yrs. My family are very important to me, as such I know how hard it can be to work and raise a family. When looking at child care you want nothing less than the absolute best, that is what I provide for every child I take care of. Apart from all the experience I have raising my own family and taking care of friends and families children I pride mysel...

Hello nice to meet you I’m Alex I would love working with children I’m Very bubbly person I have good timekeeping I love being helpful as much as possible I also love cooking I have a level one and level two in childcare what type of work I’m looking for is babysitting mothers help. When I worked in nurseries I had to plan activities for my college work

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