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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

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Claire, nanny sharing in Thorpe st andrew

the 21/02/21: Hi, we're the family, and we're seeking another family to share childcare with. We have a 2 year old boy who is thoughtful, sociable and has a happy character! Our home is spacious with some good 'sharing' toys and activities and a garden to run about in. Ideally weekday mornings for childcare swaps. Do get in touch! All the best, Claire (mum)

Aine, nanny sharing - NR3 Norwich

the 05/09/18: Would love to find a caring and gentle nanny for my 16 month old son . He’s great fun and a ball of energy so being around other children would also be a bonus .

Timea, is looking for shared childcare - NR6 Hellesdon

the 31/07/17: I need somebody who look after my son who is 13 month old from 3pm-5pm in every Friday, and sometimes on other weekdays.Bertalan is a very active happy boy, I search servicein Hellesdon where he can learn and meet new interesting things, toys, persons, kids.

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