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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

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Richard, offer to share a nanny in Penllergaer

the 17/01/20: Our current situation is: I can get my daughter to Creche by 7:30, but my son doesn't get collected by the school bus until 7:45am. This is making it impossible for me to get to work in Morriston for 8am. We are paying for the Creche to take my daughter to school and collect her. Plus we are paying for After School Club for my son. I collect them from two different locations after work. But, if there is any issue with traffic on the M4 or surrounding area, then I struggle to get to them...

Sadie, nanny share in Ogmore-by-sea

the 19/03/15: Looking for childcare for our 7month old and 2.5 year old. Moving to ogmore by sea in June this year and will need something in place for my return to work in July. Somebody with experience would be ideal who enjoys the outdoors and has an ethos for a healthy lifestyle would be great!