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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

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Gem, offer to share a nanny in Trowbridge

the 22/09/20: Hi I am just about to start a new full time job and need some help with mainly after school childcare but on occasion school drop offs too. I would be looking for about 15/16 hours a week. I have a polite and friendly 6 year old who tells really terrible jokes but they will amuse you!

Maria, nanny sharing - SP7 Shaftesbury

the 22/08/19: We are looking for a nanny to look after our 15month baby and another 15minth old baby at home. We are looking for someone you likes to be outside with the children and is interested in nature, reading with them and occasionally taking them to groups.

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