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Nanny required mon and thurs 10 till 6 summer holidays

I am looking for a part time nanny to come Monday's and Thursday's and poss other days to come be a second set of hands as I'm will have a new born so want someone to help whether just being there to play with boys while I'm feeding , making kids lunch or tea if baby unsettled and coming along to what ever plans we have for days trips etc . It's just so my boys aren't left waiting all the time or need or want attention while I'm feeding etc as I'm due to have baby 10th July so will be a new new born. If home to throw a wash in and tidy up after meal times etc and make beds .


Type of care sought: occasional babysitting

2 number of children (over 6 years)

Type of nanny sought: babysitter

Needs a car
Needs a driving license
Start: the Monday 27/07/2015 in 10h30
End: the Friday 28/08/2015 in 18h30