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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


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With Confidence

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Hello, I am a University Student currently studying Social Work at Lancaster University! I studied at Ullswater Community College studying Child Development and Health and Social Care at GCSE and then proceeded to study the Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education! I have partaken in various placements across nurseries and reception classes giving me the experiences from 0-5. I am capable of helping with homework, preparing interesting learning opportunities which reflect the areas o...

Hi I'm Lauren, I'm 18 years old and live in Penrith. I'm outgoing and friendly and always have a smile on my face, I'm very reliable and trustworthy. I'm currently at Carlisle college doing a media course and I'm looking to gain some extra cash to put towards my education. However, I do have a child development qualification. Another note would be that I'm allergic to dogs so will not be able to be in home with a dog, I also only have availability to public transport. I have three younger...

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