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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Rachel, is looking for part time childcare in Garstang

the 26/09/22: Hello, we are looking for someone to look after our two girls 7 and 10, 2 maybe 3 afternoons after school while we are at work. You will supervise reading and homework, cook the tea and take to any after school activities. You will need your own car, and we will pay mileage on top of hourly rate for trips. They love playing out and any sort of arty crafty activities. If this is something you can do we would love to hear from you, please get in touch.

Mandy, looking for a nanny - PR3 Garstang

the 29/01/20: I need someone to watch the children on a wednesday and thursday morning 7.20 till 8.30 in the mornings each week then occasional nights at weekends for social events.

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