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Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


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Hollie, is looking for a baby sitter in Rawtenstall BB4

the 15/03/22: I’m hoping to find a childminder / babysitter to look after my 17 month old little girl on Thursdays whilst my mum recovers from a broken foot. My preference would be to have someone at my house whilst I work from home but I will consider dropping her off at a childminders. Her foot may take up to 10 weeks to recover. We can be flexible on timings but ideally we’d like cover from 8.45-4.15 but we can move on this! Thank you

Aimee, is looking for a baby sitter in Rawtenstall BB4

the 15/11/16: I am looking for a reliable babysitter with previous experience to look after my two children who are 6 and 2. It would only be occasionally but may lead to more regular work during the weekend (daytime). I am in the Rawtenstall area and would want this person to be in my home whilst looking after the children. Thanks, Aimée

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