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Heather, is looking for a childminder - S60 Rotherham

the 27/02/22: We are needing a nanny from around September time with a new born, this due to me having to return back to work around one month after the little one comes, I will be then working part time. This will be for 2-3 days a week from 9-5. Needs to be pet friendly as have a springer spaniel who is very gentle and loving.

Amsden, is looking for part time childcare in Rotherham

the 04/02/22: I have two children and I'm looking for a reliable, friendly person to take care of my children whilst I'm at work, it will be the hours after school and maybe some weekends , I only work 4 hours , please if anyone fitting could get in touch and help me out , my kids are amazing I have a bright eyed , beautiful little girl she's 5 and a little boy who's 3 he definitely keeps you on your toes but a laugh a minute and such a cutie , I'm located in the rawmarsh area of Rotherham, thanks again, Ams

Rebecca, offer part-time childcare in Rotherham S60

the 31/12/20: We have two boys aged 4 and 5. They are polite, friendly and caring. Most of the time they get on with each other as well. We need childcare for our youngest in the morning till 12:30 when he needs to be dropped off and nursery(which is at our eldest's school) for the afternoon. We also need both of the boys picking up of school at 15:15 and looking after till one of us finishes work.

Jessica, looking for a nanny in Rotherham S60

the 16/11/20: I am needing a nanny to look after my son who is 3 years old. He will be going to nursery also but have been unable to get full time hours so will need a nanny to take care of him for the rest of my work hours. I do work from home however due to the nature of my work I still need care for my son. I will also need my son to be dropped off and picked up from his nursery.

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