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Deni, is looking for part time childcare in Lutterworth

the 22/01/24: Hi! I am Deni, I am an autistic mum of two energetic young boys and I am desperately looking for a nanny/family assistant that will help me with the boys and with general household jobs. I am pregnant and I am struggling more than ever. Tuesday/Thursdays/Friday early morning I need help getting the boys ready, fed and out of the door for nursery. Then Saturdays and Sundays AM to afternoon I need help with them too; playing, taking them on outings, keeping them busy etc. My mental health is us...

Rita, offer part-time childcare in Lutterworth

the 07/02/20: We are looking for a nanny to work from our home. 2 children to pick up from a school in Great Glen, brought home, cooking tea. Washing and ironing of their clothes, kit and uniform. Making sure their rooms are clean and tidy, bedsheets changed regularly. School pick up is at 4, cover needed till 6.30 Monday to Friday. Also need nanny full time during holidays, (children have 18 weeks off during the year), planning of activities and generally keeping them busy and off their ipads. Pa...

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